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Giants Survived the Flood

According to scripture the giants survived the flood that was sent to the world in the time of Noah. Here is a document that shows the scripture and what the words mean according to the Bible.

If you have read the document and “that was back than we don't have that tall of people anymore” 

This is a list of just giant women over the "modern" times

Clearly we cant say that there is or isnt those 400ft giants walking around in the world today but according to scripture and history they did at one point. Satan likes to hide everything from us that will help show us the Bible is true. We wouldn't be surprised if they still exist and satan is hiding it. 

Over time we believe the giants have gotten smaller, from 400ft to Goliath's size of roughly 10ft. It has been 40000 years, we see in other types of animals through time they have gotten smaller. Why not giants as well?

Giants of the "Modern" World

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If you have read the document and “that was back than we don't have that tall of people anymore” 

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Heather Greene-6’8”
Alicia Jay-6’6”
Jessica Pardo-6’9”
Elisany da Silva-6’8”
Amazon Eve-6’9”
Uljanna Semjonova-7ft 
Ekaterina Lisina-6’9”
Linsday Kay Hayward-6’9”
Caroline Welz-6’9”
Gitika Srivastava-6’11’’ her dad is 7.4

Secular History finds

Giants of Ecuador

*This things cant be 10 of thousands, millions or billions of years old. The Bible says the earth is roughly 6,000 years old, there fore it is roughly 6,000 years old.*

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Marco Polo wrote of encountering giants in Zanzibar who were “so strong they can carry as many as four ordinary men.” Mid-20th century journalist Glenn D. Kittler said of the Watusi tribe east of the Congo, “Men towering 7 or 8 feet are a common sight.”

Reputable accounts of giants come from all over the world, says Hugh Newman, co-author with Jim Vieira of “Giants On Record: America’s Hidden History, Secrets in the Mounds and the Smithsonian Files." An extinct, genetically distinct subspecies of Homo sapiens was discovered just a decade ago in a Denisova Cave in Siberia.

How tall are we talking?

Anywhere between 7-foot – that’s the lower limit of what we call a giant. We have one account of up to 18 feet, but we don’t think that’s for real. Probably about 14 foot.

"I have just recently learned of another amazing locations were it is believed that giants still exist. Now the Solomon Islands is a place known as the land that time forgot and the locals believe that giants still inhabit these lands. They believe that these giants live in a massive underground city and they can travel pretty much undetected by modern man by using a massive underground tunnel system that they built. Now what’s really odd about these claims is there are legends about Giants that once lived in Romania and these legends stat that these huge giants built massive underground city’s and they also built and traveled through tunnel systems making me wonder could these story’s possible be true.

Now there are ton’s of very interesting story’s about Giants and the Solomon Islands making people believe that the locals might just be right. One very strange encounter happened in 1988 when a bulldozer broke down. After inspection they discovered that a pin that held a 10 ton blade broke. So they left the blade and sent the bulldozer back for repairs. The next day they went to go retrieve the blade but the blade was know where to be seen.

Now the workers were really shocked and confused as this blade weighed about 10 tons and no one within that area except for them had the equipment to move something this heavy. And when they started to do a little detective work they stumbled upon some huge footprints and as they were following these huge human footprints they found the blade about 100 meters away. And this terrified the workers.

Another very interesting encounter happened when some government employees were driving up gold ridge to survey the surrounding area’s. The road was very slippery at that time due to all the rain and their car slipped off the road and it got stuck. So the government workers decided to walk back to the closest town that they just passed to get help. And they were able to get about 30 volunteers as the men within this village were very eager to help. Now as they were getting closer to their car they were shocked as they saw that somehow their car was back on the road. Then they saw what appeared to be two very tall men standing next to their car. But as they kept getting closer and closer they realized that these were not normal men, they were giants and they all agreed that they had to have been at least 15 ft tall.

Now in WW2 it was a top priority for the ally’s to take control over the Solomon islands and the Japanese was not going to give up without a fight. But the Japanese started to encounter something a lot more terrifying then the ally soldiers. Now when the Japanese started going deep into the jungle on recon missions they started to hear very loud noises at night, such as wailing, loud footsteps and branches being broken from trees and these very unusual noises started to scare the soldiers. Then they came face to face with the giants that were making all this noise and the soldiers were so terrified that they opened fire but the bullets had little to no effect what so ever except for making these giants very, very angry. Now all throughout the rest of the war on Solomon Island there were reports coming in about giants and sometimes these giants would charge and ravage whole squads and sometimes they would snap whole trees in front of the soldiers in an amazing display of power. Now the eye witnesses described these giants to be about 15 feet tall, covered with red hair and had exceptional long and powerful arms."

If all this still doesnt make you question and wonder what else they are lying about maybe this videos will help.

Remember most of these videos are from people who have no biblical knowledge, from secular people.

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Screenshot 2022-09-15 at 09-17-30 Ancient Roman Giant Found—Oldest Complete Skeleton With
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Screenshot 2022-09-15 at 09-48-21 Man-Eating Giants Discovered in Nevada Cave - Salem-News
Screenshot 2022-09-15 at 09-45-35 Exposing the Secret History of Giants and the Undergroun
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