Hi, thanks for dropping by!
This website was created for getting the information out to people. This website is the Lords, God will do what He wants with it and what topics He wants us to cover. This website is an information hub you might call it, there is no big write ups . This site is for giving you the information on what is actually going on in the world and what the Bible really says. There are so many people out there, so many Christians who don't know the truth. They think they are following Jesus when they are actually following man and man made traditions.
This website is for helping people to Jesus of the Bible (KJV, God of Israel, Abraham, Isaac) and showing them the truth of this world.
Take a look around and message us if you have an questions at all.
Make sure to keep coming back as more information will be added when is found.
(keep in mind there is a small amount of us working on this site, we work on as much as we can as quickly as we can)
May God's grace be with you.